Whitlock Motors & RV

Automobile - Dealers/BrokersAutomobile - Detailing/CleaningAutomobile - Repair/Service/PartsCar WashesLocal ShoppingMotorcycles & AccessoriesRecreational Vehicles - Sales/ServiceRetail-Motorcycles/Motorcycle AccessoriesRetail-Used/Consignment
Sales Dept. open M-F 9am-6pm and Sat. 9am-4pm
Service Dept. open M-F 8am-5pm
RV Service: M-F 8am-5pm
Driving Directions:
We are located at 2825 Big Horn Ave. Which is the east end of Big Horn Avenue, past Big Horn Cinemas on the left, on your way to Powell!
About Us
We proudly sell high quality, super clean, pre-owned Autos, RV's, Trailers, and America's top Brands! We also have a large NEW camper and trailer inventory!
If you are looking for your next automobile, camper, or trailer we are here to help you find it, servicing Cody Wyoming, Powell Wyoming, Greybull Wyoming, Thermopolis Wyoming, Lovell Wyoming, and every where else in the country!
We would love the opportunity to get you into your new car today. We have a great selection of previously owned automobiles for you to browse. Let us show you the difference we can make in your purchase decision!
Where our name means a great deal!