Cody Firearms Experience, LLC

FirearmsArcadeIndoor Shooting RangeTourism Attractions
Open Tues/Sat 11am to 7pm, Sunday 12-5pm. Closed Mondays.
About Us
Real Guns
Real Ammo
Real West
Visitors to the Cody Firearms Experience (CFE) will be able to see and explore the history of the firearm. We then want to provide an opportunity to take that interest into a whole new dimension by holding and touching a reproductive firearm. There are a selection of ''experiences'' that capture a point in time through the firearm of the day. Each experience will contain a piece of American history: the evolution of the pistol from the cap and ball, to the Colt revolver, to the modern day 1911 Colt .45; the guns of the mountain man; the weapons of the Civil War; the Henry and the Winchester lever-action rifles; the Gatling gun.
First, each visitor will work with a trained instructor, who not only puts the firearms in a historical perspective, but also guides the visitor through safety procedures and practices for all firearms. Next, visitors move to a state-of-the-art firing range where, under the close supervision of their personal instructor, they actually fire a gun for many, it will be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. In addition, we will have a theme park style western shooting arcade to provide fun for families! We are committed to providing a unique and unparalleled venue to safely promote the Cody Firearms Experience.
Video Media
- All packages include instruction, lane rental fee, ammunition, target, and loaner hearing/eye protection.
- Western-Themed Kids Arcade - Fun for the entire family!
- Indoor Axe Throwing
- Classes & Courses
- Check out their events calendar!