On June 22 and 23, the Big Horn Basin Amateur Radio club will be hosting ARRL Field Day (https://www.arrl.org/field-day), which is a nationwide amateur radio event that connects people all over the globe. We will be set up at City Park in Cody and open to the public of all ages. All are welcome to come learn about radio, grab some freebies, and even talk on the air with the help of our friendly operators, who have an amazing wealth of knowledge and experience!
The Big Horn Basin Amateur Radio club is a non-profit that has been a part of the Park County and surrounding counties for decades. Amateur (or ham) radio can be used to talk across town or even the world without relying on cell phones or the internet. It's a great way for people in the community to connect and learn something new!
Saturday Jun 22, 2024 Sunday Jun 23, 2024
City Park
Downtown Cody, WY
Printed courtesy of www.codychamber.org – Contact the Cody Country Chamber of Commerce for more information.
836 Sheridan Avenue, Cody, WY 82414 – (307) 587-2777 – admin@codychamber.org